Dog Days Of Podcasting 2013 Episode 1

The Dog Days of Podcasting 2013

Drafting a podcast each week for some of my regular shows like the Hiddengrid or Transdimensional Café takes a certain amount of time, effort, and focus. SWC alone takes me more time than most just because of the sheer length of the shows. That’s why I love taking the time to jump into the Hiddennode audio journal and just let go; no editing, no modifying, no bumpers, music, or ads. Just pure unfiltered me. Which is why I love the new yearly tradition Kreg Stepp has brought into the corner of the podcasting world I’m a part of, The Dog Days of Podcasting. 32 days of audio journals from some of the coolest folks in the community, all culminating in a gathering at Dragon*Con where we share our experience getting the word out there, and sum up or hopefully new habit.

Today marks the start of the 2013 schedule. It also marks the day I try to get into the spirit of the exercise: podcasting every day. That was the goal last year, and I managed to do a decent job keeping up the habit after Dragon*Con last year, well at least for a month. It eventually petered out for everyone who took part, but we’re hoping to change that this year. I’m intending to go for the high score, with more consecutive days podcasting within the group than any other. I’d like to make it from August 2013 to August 2014, and be able to hold the lead position. Let’s see how I do.

Now, I’ll be honest. I’m writing this on the 29th. I have no idea what I’m going to be saying on the 30th, but I guess in a few minutes you’ll find out. I hope you enjoy what’s coming your way. I’m sure it’ll be a mix of rants on writing, gaming, health, and a few dozen topics. I know I’d like to slip some fiction in there, but we’ll see how that goes. I know I managed at least one piece last year. I’d like to do some more this. Hey, there’s five Fridays in the month. I’m sure I can write five flash pieces in that time.

Okay podcasting thingy, launch.

Download the episode here.

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