
I’m J. Samuel Diehl, or Justin works too. I’m a writer, gamer, podcaster, and creative type person.

“What do you write and what have you published?”

I consider myself primarily a science fiction writer, but I like every section of speculative fiction. Cyberpunk, Lovecraftian, and weird fiction are my preferred sub-genres. You can find a large batch of free fiction here on the site, as well as links to professional works I’ve put out there under the Library section.

I’m interested in Self-publishing, traditional publishing, and pro-short story markets.

“Gamer? Okay, I’ll bite.”

Check out below under Nulloperations for my gamer information.

“Then let’s move on to ‘podcaster.’ What have you done and what are you doing?”

 I’ve been a listener for years and started testing out creating podcast in 2010. Since then I’ve worked on a number of shows including:

The Hiddennode is my audio journal for my writing, gaming, and other life events and projects.

Trans-Dimensional Cafe was a fiction creation discussion series with co-hosts Andrew Eckhart, Dakota Lewis, and guests.

The F7lans Podcast was a gaming podcast focused on gaming within the F7lans gaming community. Cohosts Michael DeProspero, William Murphy, and Chris Ruegsegger.

Five Things We Like was a pop culture/review show where we take one popculture topic and pick it apart weekly. Cohosts Andrew Eckhart, Dakota Lewis, and guests.

Something Ventured, Nothing Gained is a Venture Brothers fan casts with cohosts Richard Greene, Christiana Ellis, and Jared Axelrod.

Hiddengrid: The Sixth World Chronicles is a Shadowrun Actual Play podcast, with numerous players over the past two years. Originally Hosted by Zendead.

“Where else can we find you?”

I use a bunch of Social Media groups and will happily connect with anyone who sends me a hello. Check out the Links below for details


I’m also called Nulloperations online and I don’t separate the two personas. Nullops is my main gamer persona and more often than not, if you are seeing the name it’s likely me.

“What’s the origin of the name?”

null operations is a test a decker would have to make while hiding in cyberspace doing nothing. It was the system’s random chance at finding an idle hacker. Source Shadowrun 2nd edition. I’ve always been a Shadowrun fan since the SNES game that I’ve adopted the handle since 2005 (when I went from being Quie prior to Katrina). The first place I ever used the name was the Half-Life 2 mod community, Dystopia.

“So what do you play and where?”

PC mostly, some portable, but mostly PC. I haven’t really played consoles since 2005. I’m a huge FPS fan, be it action, puzzle, or otherwise. Cyberpunk or games where I get to play a stealthy/cloaking character are my favorite. You can find me on the following networks:

Steam: [steam id=”2″]


“Wait, isn’t that Spider Jerusalem?”

Why yes, yes it is. Spider Jerusalem from the Warren Ellis comic book is one of my favorite fictional characters. I know it’s rather against the concept of some of the statements Spider’s talked about regarding fame, but I don’t care. I like the guy and so I’m donning him as an Avatar until I’ve been told otherwise.


Need to reach out to me? If you want a direct contact, use the form below or use one of the social networks linked above.

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